Cara's Story

Once she was born, Cara's parents learned that their daughter had a narrowing of her aorta. As a result, Cara needed to undergo heart surgery when she was just a few days old.
Whilst this was all happening, her mum, Claire, was still an inpatient herself, recovering from her C-section. Her dad, Charles, was given a room at Crossbasket House, ensuring he could remain close to both his new baby and his wife.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the end of Cara's time in the hospital. She was admitted again after contracting pneumonia and sepsis, and for about three weeks, she was in critical condition. Once more, Crossbasket House supported the family by providing Claire and Charles with a nearby room where they could rest and recharge.
"I don't think I personally would have coped or managed without this house being here. Until you need it or until you know somebody that has stayed here, you don't appreciate what it means to someone."
Claire, Cara's Mum